Tuesday, March 13, 2007

drink me...

everyone says;
thank god she survived...

fact is...
between blurred ticks
and amputated tocks
one too many trips
to the operating room...

in dreams
I picture surgeons shooting the shit---
as her essence
off the table.
bits of who she once was
in an orderly’s mop bucket.

fuck you.
fuck your god.
think I'll have another drink,
fake another smile
one more nod
keep doing all I can
to keep from screaming---

yeah I’m buzzed.
what of it?
sunset slides helpless into black
and the bottle moans
"drink me..."

© Copyright claimed 2007, Debra Marlar

Sunday, March 11, 2007

got god?

murder; the new trial separation
it makes perfect sense...
don't want her any more
can't let the bitch leave.
what's a narcissist to do?

dismember her
along with your unborn child
stuff the remains
into two garbage bags.
completely doable
hell, even economical
considering the cost
of divorce, alimony and child support

ain’t love grand?
that stupid cow busily painting the nursery
never saw it coming.

here a limb there a limb.
slaughter, scatter
clean the splatter
and they lived
happily ever af....

ooops my bad
wrong ending---


by the way
oh merciful,
benevolent god,
where the fuck were you?

© Copyright claimed 2007, Debra Marlar

Saturday, March 3, 2007

less perfect

some days I find you
even less perfect than me.
love follows it’s own course
changing temperature, indeed direction
within the smallest flutter,
a fact I find humourous
—after a quarrel.

you know me so well---
in your bastard moments
you unleash my demons,
parading them before my eyes
then flick them into the gutter
like spent cigarette butts.

then there are days I need you
only to find you’ve strolled away in the afternoon sun
more interested in your own journey.

it’s a conundrum
love’s vines can’t scale brick walls
without the sunlight of full disclosure.
yet, this leaves me
to your every whim.

my only requirement
tread carefully with my heart in tow---
above all,
know that I too
can summon your demons
by name...

© Copyright claimed 2007, Debra Marlar