Saturday, March 3, 2007

less perfect

some days I find you
even less perfect than me.
love follows it’s own course
changing temperature, indeed direction
within the smallest flutter,
a fact I find humourous
—after a quarrel.

you know me so well---
in your bastard moments
you unleash my demons,
parading them before my eyes
then flick them into the gutter
like spent cigarette butts.

then there are days I need you
only to find you’ve strolled away in the afternoon sun
more interested in your own journey.

it’s a conundrum
love’s vines can’t scale brick walls
without the sunlight of full disclosure.
yet, this leaves me
to your every whim.

my only requirement
tread carefully with my heart in tow---
above all,
know that I too
can summon your demons
by name...

© Copyright claimed 2007, Debra Marlar

1 comment:

Drake Lightle (aka Deleted User; Charles Bukkake) said...

I like this one Deb. "bastard moments" is one of my favoritest lines - ever. Maybe because I've delivered so many of them...and maybe because of the kind of secondary meaning...those moments that have only the one parent, the other having abandoned the moment at birth and been absent...the illigetimate-child moment.

I could use a lesson on learning to laugh about the quarrel after the fact...but I think I already have the button-pushing, demon-summoning down.

It's a fresh view of relationships, and I like it for the honest (but mostly you had me at that 'bastard moment').