Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Andromeda Weeps

"Andromeda fair lady, why do you weep?"
Apus, Bird of Paradise hearing her sobs doth shriek.
And Aquarius, The Water Bearer filling his shards at faster pace,
to quench parched lips and wipe tear-stained face.
While Aguila, the Eagle skillfully chases Cancer, the Crab,
he’ll quell the Princess with dinner, delivered in a velveteen bag.
Cassiopeia, The Queen begins to fret in her glittering chair,
‘tis worrisome, this daughter’s depression
and oh so remarkably rare.

"It’s not like you to cause such a snit!
Andromeda, snap out of it!"

"Mother!" She wailed, her face noticeably pale.
"It is for dear Pluto, my heart doth ail!

He’s been demoted, he’s been voted out today!
Oh, those fool humans in that cursed Milky Way!
What the hell do they know anyway?
Dwarf planet? Surely they joke?
For they do not know who they have provoked!
In retaliation and for Pluto’s salvation,
from this day forward I hereby decree,
the Earth‘s new name…shall be obtuse and inane.
For what’s in a name?
"Planet Henry!"

© Copyright claimed 2007, Debra Marlar

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